Alaskaland Pioneer Air Museum
Interior and Arctic Alaska
Aeronautical Foundation
P.O. Box 70437, Fairbanks, AK 99707
“Visions of the future tempered by the realities of today, and seasoned with memories of the past.”
Housed in the beautiful gold dome, designed by Buckminster Fuller, the museum’s rare & unique collection of over 500 photographs chronicle early flight and the brave men and women who ventured into the unknown.

WWII P-38 Airplane
P-38J-LO, “Lightning”, #213565. This P-38 was specially equipped with 54 thermocouples located in as many places in the aircraft, and I could read the temperature of each through selectors with a potentiometer located where the gun sight normally was mounted. This special installation enabled us to study machine gun lubrication, engine lubrication, cabin heat, carburetor heat and fuel distribution problems, etc.